A Roadmap for Aspiring Web3 Developers: Skills, Tools, and Resources

A Roadmap for Aspiring Web3 Developers: Skills, Tools, and Resources


3 min read


As we are approaching a new year, a few individuals on Twitter mentioned that they were looking to dive into Web3 development. I am really excited for them and the opportunities that can come with hard work and dedication in this field. Alongside my Twitter thread, I have decided to post this blog to give a more detailed explanation of the Roadmap.

What is Web3?

Web3 development refers to the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) that run on a blockchain platform, such as Ethereum. These applications use smart contracts to facilitate transactions and interactions between users in a decentralized manner, without the need for a central authority.

The Basics of Web Design

As an individual looking to dive into web3 development I would focus on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as these are the fundamental languages involved in decentralized application (dApp) development.

The goal is to develop your first basic website using the languages listed above. Your first website doesn't need to be perfect or have a focus. You should have fun and experiment!

Runtime Environment, Libraries, and Frameworks

After getting a firm grasp of JavaScript, your next goal should be to learn about Node.js, React.js, NextJS, and CSS libraries. In the beginning, I would focus on Node.js, React.js, and a popular CSS library such as TailwindCSS.


  • Familiarize yourself with Node.js including how to set up a development environment, how to use Node.js to create a web server, and how to work with data using Node.js.

  • Learn and develop with React.js, more specifically how to create components, work with state and props, and use the React.js framework to build user interfaces.

  • Learn the key differences in popular CSS libraries and the different use cases in which one is useful.

Setting up Your Web3 Developer Environment

To start building DApps, you will need to set up a development environment on your computer. This will typically involve installing an integrated development environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code or Remix, and any necessary dependencies or libraries.

Blockchain Fundamentals

As a beginner, it is important to first understand the basics of blockchain technology before diving into the development of decentralized applications (DApps). Some key concepts to familiarize yourself with include the distributed ledger, consensus mechanisms, and smart contracts. The distributed ledger is a record of all transactions that have taken place on the blockchain, which is decentralized and stored on multiple computers or nodes. Consensus mechanisms are algorithms that ensure the integrity and security of the blockchain, allowing participating nodes to agree on the state of the ledger. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written into lines of code, which can be used to automate processes and facilitate transactions on the blockchain. It is also helpful to have a basic understanding of cryptography, as it plays a crucial role in securing the blockchain. I would recommend reading through the Bitcoin Whitepaper, Ethereum Whitepaper, the correlating documentation, and the Solidity documentation.


Solidity is the programming language that is used to develop smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Learning the fundamentals of solidity is vital to your career. Most of the current Web3 positions require experience and knowledge of Solidity.

Below I have listed some resources to learn Solidity:

LearnWeb3 DAO


Crypto Zombies

Community & Hackathons

Finding a group of like-minded individuals to develop alongside is important to your learning and development experience. I highly recommend joining communities like LearnWeb3 DAO to utilize the group development sessions, development help, and friends to develop with. Hackathons provide the capability to network with top companies and individuals in the space with the added benefits of everything a community provides!


I hope the Twitter thread and this blog can help some individuals looking to break into the Web3 space. If you are interested in learning more about Web3, feel free to follow me on Twitter!
